Houses for Sale in Costa Blanca South


Houses for Sale in Costa Blanca South

Spain, one of the most promising real estate markets where to invest

Among the factors driving the dynamism of the Spanish real estate sector are transactions.

Spain's economic outlook makes its real estate market one of the most promising to invest, according to BIP Investment Properties. Among the factors driving its dynamism are the transactions, as these show that demand is increasing and the market is attractive and profitable.

The price of housing has risen steadily since the recession.

Meanwhile, the price of housing has risen gradually since the recession that the country experienced at the end of 2006. This indicator is, in the opinion of this company, a good option to consider in which the threat of risk is much lower. Likewise, they emphasize that Spain has characteristics unparalleled with respect to other countries in terms of quality of life and strategic location.

Finally, they assert that the revaluation and revitalization of certain areas causes that the real estate demand goes up and that the prices of the rents, too. In this case, the gross annual return is 9.1%. This high rentability, even above other financial products, is very attractive for both private investors, professionals and companies.
