Torrevieja · Torrevieja - Centre
Ref.:VRE COM42
Commercial · Commercial


Torrevieja · Torrevieja - Centre
Ref.:VRE COM42
Commercial · Commercial


  • Meters
Built: (1.291,20 sq ft) 120m2

Property Gallery



Business Type: Empty Unit (Freehold)

Description: This empty unit in Torrevieja is located across from a very busy and central square, situated just 2 streets back from the beach/sea front. The unit is yet to be finished, but having great potential with being sold Freehold, including the possibility of large window frontage to attract customers, having a build size of approx 120m2, ideal for an office, bakery, supermarket, butchers, the list is endless. Don’t miss out on this superb opportunity to own your very own local in such a great area with lots of footfall. Call now for an immediate viewing!!!

Price: €120.000



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